Yikes! I haven't written a new post in forever. I can't believe I used to post once every day. Now I'm just trying to figure out where all the time goes.
I guess maybe the wait for another post was worth it because today I have something for you I'm really excited about. I had seen these Korean polishes on a few blogs and became enamored with them. So when I found a listing on eBay for 3 of them for $17 shipped I pounced on it. About $6 each is not much more than the price of drugstore polishes here. I'm such a dork; it excites me so much that with the internet we have access to products from other countries we never would have had before. I know a lot of people are against globalization, but hey, if it gets me cool nail polishes I'm all for it! I've heard these polishes referred to as "yogurt", but seeing as I can't read Korean, I'm not really sure what the name of the collection is. As far as I know the individual polishes aren't named either, but assigned numbers. The collection is numbers 81-85 and I have 81, 82, and 84 to show you today.

I was super happy not only with my polishes, but the packaging and the extras. The box has a honeycomb pattern with bees and flowers and has a chat bubble saying, "Bee happy!" I thought it was freakin' adorable. They also sent along a packet of body wash, Hello Kitty band aids, and a body scrubber cloth. I thought it was hilarious that the body wash says "Fruits water. Made in nature." on the front.
Here is the seller and listing I bought from. I recommend them just because I had such an awesome experience, but
this seller seems to offer 4 of the polishes for an even cheaper price.
I read somewhere that these bottles are only 10 ml (and that seems about right).
For all polishes I did 3 coats with no base or top coat. There is still a teeny bit of visible nail line after 3 coats but not enough to bother me. I want to layer these to not run out so quickly, but I like the squishy look from wearing them alone.
Innisfree 81 in the sun |
Innisfree 81 in the shade |
Innisfree 82 in the sun |
Innisfree 82 in the shade |
Innisfree 84 in the sun |
This one is supposed to be a dupe of Revlon's Whimsical (and as an extension Deborah Lippmann's Glitter in the Air). I used to own Whimsical and while I wanted to love it, I just couldn't. It took too many coats to get to the opacity I wanted and was just a thick muddled mess. This one, on the other hand, is everything I wished Whimsical to be. Much, much better.
Innisfree 84 in the shade |
And just because I also found this hilarious, read the little insert that came with my scrubby towel thing.
Use with water and bubble!