
Thursday, September 27, 2012

OPI Absolutely Alice

Just a quick post for today. I've managed to get a lot of polishes swatched that I wanted to, but now lack the energy to prepare the posts, haha. Also I ate half a box of Bottle Caps candies and now my stomach hurts. I'm so bad.

So, I'm still kicking myself for not buying OPI's Mad As A Hatter when it first came out. I didn't realize how popular it would be so I figured I would have time to get it later. Absolutely Alice (from the same collection) is awesome too, but not on the same level as Mad As A Hatter. So this the only reason I was able to get Absolutely Alice. The eBay prices weren't TOO inflated, haha. But the polish still is really pretty! If you can find a bottle for a decent price I recommend picking it up.

I believe this was 3 coats.

OPI Absolutely Alice
OPI Absolutely Alice


  1. I have this one! I don't usually have any of the polishes you post. I actually have 2 of this one (I'd bought one and then my friend got it for me as a gift) I like it better than Mad as a Hatter, I didn't like that one. Your nails are looking awesome (so long!)

  2. Love. I may or may not have told you that when this collection first came out, I bought both Absolutely Alice and Mad As A Hatter and I gave them AWAY to my friend at work because she LOVED them and I was just "in like" with them. Kick myself everyday for it! hahaah :)

  3. I have the two "dupes" that Ricky's NYC put out: Nutty Hat Guy and Legendary Alice. I did a post on the two.

  4. Absolutely Alice is one of my top 10 favorite polishes. It's just so beautiful!

  5. WOW, that is some MAJOR glitter! Awesome! I looke up Mad as a Hatter and I can see why it's so hard to get!


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