
Monday, April 18, 2011

You NEED These Eyeshadows! Persephone Minerals review and swatches

 Phew, sit back and relax, this is gonna be a long one!

I first saw swatches of Persephone Minerals' eye shadows on Phyrra's blog.  It was a look she created using Mars Crystal Power that finally pushed me to order.  The only other Indie makeup company I have ordered from is Fyrinnae and I love their shadows and especially Pixie Epoxy.  But, I think I just might love these shadows more!

When I first decided to order I knew I wanted a full size jar of Mars Crystal Power and several various sample jars.  I sent the owner, Victoria, a convo on Etsy stating what I wanted and it only took her and hour and a half to reply and post my listing!  She was really sweet and accommodating.  Her stated turn around time is 5 to 10 business days, which is very reasonable.  I placed my order on the 10th (a Sunday) and I received it on the 15th.  Very good timing!

However, if you aren't sure of what you want, the swatch pictures she has for each shade are good quality and pretty color accurate.  I like that she has swatch pictures on skin rather than just pictures of the product in the jar.

The shadows were packaged in a standard bubble mailer.

Here is my invoice. I like how she wrote my order down and checked everything off.  It just made it feel like she really cared about getting my order correct.

The shadows were packed neatly in a pretty gold organza bag.

I bought one full size jar and 7 sample jars.  The two samples in the baggies were freebies.  The ingredients  are not listed on the jars, which doesn't bother me, but I know it does some people.  She does include a slip of paper with the ingredients on it, but I'm not sure why it only has the ingredients for the full size jar.

The jars are all, even the samples, 3 gram jars with no sifters.  The full sizes are packed to the brim and are a little over half a teaspoon while the samples are 1/8th of a teaspoon.  The full size jars have a sticker with the company name on top and are shrink wrapped.

All jars have a sticker on the bottom with the name of the shadow printed on it.  I like that the names are printed and not hand written; it looks more professional.

You can see how the full size (top left) is completely filled and even the samples sizes have quite a bit of shadow in them.

Taken indoors with flash
The top row is swatched dry on bare skin while the bottom row is swatched on top of Fyrinnae's Pixie Epoxy.

The colors from left to right are: Whimper, Fantasy, Mars Crystal Power, Pink Sugar Heart Attack, Falling Angel, Mercury Crystal Power, Blood Orange Sorbet, Jupiter Crystal Power, Moon Prism Power, and Taupe-less Beach

I'm frustrated that the pictures dull the shadows a bit and you can't see how nuanced and gorgeous they really are.  For example Moon Prism Power isn't just a sparkly silver, but really a duochrome of blue and pink in a light sparkly base.

Mars Crystal Power is seriously the most gorgeous eye shadow i have ever seen.  If I could only use one eye shadow for the rest of my life it would be this one.  And you better believe I would be rockin' it at 80 years old.  It's a pink and gold duochrome that shifts from dark pink, to coral, to orange, to gold.  Absolutely breathtaking.

Picture taken in full sunlight

From left to right: Whimper, Fantasy, Mars Crystal Power, Pink Sugar Heart Attack, Falling Angel

From left to right: Mercury Crystal Power, Blood Orange Sorbet, Jupiter Crystal Power, Moon Prism Power, and Taupe-less Beach

 Here is a look I did inspired by the look Phyrra created which prompted me to place an order in the first place:

I used a base of Fyrinnae's Pixie Epoxy.  I used Mars Crystal Power over my whole lid.  Then I put Blood Orange Sorbet on the outer third of my lid and below the lower lash line, then used Pink Sugar Heart Attack in my crease.  Moon Prism Power is used in the inner corner of my eye as well as to blend out the crease and highlight my browbone.  I also patted it over Blood Orange Sorbet below my lower lashes and over Urban Decay's Perversion which I used to line my upper lash and water line.

So yeah, could you tell that I couldn't decide on what picture to use and just used them all?

So, Persephone Minerals is my newest obsession!

  • Beautiful, bold, UNIQUE colors
  • Great pigmentation
  • Reasonable prices and shipping
  • Fabulous customer service
  • Packaging is nice and professional
  • NONE!

  • Persephone Minerals on Etsy. Sample baggies of the regular shadows are $1.  Sample baggies of the Sailor Senshi colors are $1.25.  Sample jars are $2.  Full size jars of regular shadows are $5 and $6 for Sailor Senshi collection colors.  If you have any questions or what you want isn't listed individually or as sample, just convo Victoria and she will get you what you want!

Thank you for reading and have a great day/night/whatever!


  1. :D Thank you! =^.^= super cute! The ingredients did used to be printed on the jars, however my printer has been spaztastic & doesn't seem to print small print anymore without smudging it beyond belief :( I have auto-cleaned it, deep cleaned it & cleaned it manually. It seemed to stop for a little while. Then it seemed to only smudge black. Now it seems to smudge anything that is small text.

  2. @ Persephone

    Ugh, that's annoying about the printer. Maybe you should state somewhere in your shop information about a list of ingredients being included instead of on the jar so people can't claim they didn't know about it? I'm just saying that because I have seen the ingredients thing on other people's reviews too. Have you tried using different ink? Maybe it got old or something. Thanks again for the beautiful colors!

  3. I have had new ink several times since it started. I've even switched heads. Idk what else to do. I mean I would hate to buy another printer. This WAS the good printer! Ya, I probably should put it up on shop announcement page.

  4. ohmygosh, all the Cyrstal Powers colors are SO AMAZING. I am trying to be good and stop purchasing makeup, so I hope they are still around when I have more $$$$, because HOLY COW they are AWESOMESAUCE. IN A JAR.

  5. @ RoboZelda
    They are seriously some of the best eye shadows ever. You can always get samples for now! That's what I did. I got 7 sample jars and 1 full size and it only came out to $23 with shipping. The samples have a good amount of product in them too!


Thank you so much for your comments! I appreciate them all and read every one!