
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week 1: Shopping My Stash for Untried Polish- Diamond Cosmetics Tropical Dream

I have a lot of nail polish.  Too many really.  I have over 400 (I stopped counting when I reached that) and probably haven't worn a fourth of them.  I've seen people on other blogs challenge themselves to swatch their untried polishes and I really liked that idea.  But, I wanted to take it a step further and challenge myself to WEAR the polish for several days, not just swatch it.  I bought them because I wanted to wear them, and dammit, that is what I'm going to do!  So once a week I will be showing you an untried polish from my stash.  And I challenge everyone to go through their stashes, whether makeup, nail polish, or both, and actually WEAR some of the things they've bought but have never used.  You may just discover something awesome you didn't know you had!

So did I discover something awesome this time?  Let's have a look!

This is Diamond Cosmetics' Tropical Dream.  It is a creamy orange with a yellow tinge and gold shimmer.  The shimmer isn't super apparent in low light, but it makes this polish different than anything I own.  Diamond Cosmetics is a pretty underrated brand.  It started to get attention a year or so ago, but it seems like all of that died away.  It deserves to be more well known though!  The polishes are inexpensive ($2.50), are great quality, and they offer a wide variety of shades and finishes.

This was 3 coats with base and top coat.

Diamond Cosmetic Tropical Dream in the sun
Diamond Cosmetic Tropical Dream in the shade


Thank you for reading and have a great day/night/whatever!

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  1. Beautiful color, perfect for spring and summer. :-)

  2. Yeah, this color is perfect for warmer months. Diamond Cosmetics' polishes are worth tracking down but I'm not sure how easy they are to find outside of the US.

  3. Such a great affordable polish. Quick question: do you do anything sepcial to take care of your cuticles? They look great!

  4. I don't do anything but obsessively push them back with my other nails every time I wash my hands or take a shower, haha. I don't even use lotion as often as I should. But I definitely put it on before I take pictures of my hands! And thank you for the compliment. For most of my life I would pick on my cuticles until they bled. Wearing nail polish has really helped me to stop picking at them.

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