
Saturday, April 30, 2011

MAC's Fashion Flower Collection- Alpha Girl Beauty Powder

To be honest, I never really got the appeal of MAC's Beauty Powders.  As I snottily said on Temptalia's website, "So beauty powders are just under-pigmented blushes? I feel like I can get the same result using a cheapy blush, or you know, just using less of my regular blush."  Haha, I sound so sure of myself. I ALWAYS do this... look haughtily down my nose at products but end up buying them anyway and loving them.

I am currently in the midst of a full-blown blush obsession.  To be honest, I hope it's over soon because I only have two cheeks (well, two that wear blush :-P) and can't see myself using any of them up any time soon.  An obsession first starts with me noticing a gap in my collection.  "Hm, I don't have any blushes in these colors or those finishes."  So I go and buy one.  "Good, now I'm set, I have this color now."  But then I notice more gaps between colors until it comes down to, "Well, I have a peachy-pink shimmer and a peachy-orange shimmer, but I don't have a peachy-coral shimmer."  Yeah, it's a sickness.  You guys know you do it too.

But I really didn't have anything like this warm, muted pink that has more of a sheen than a shimmer.  I'm so glad I got it.  And I can honestly say I don't have anything like it.  Yet.  This and Ever Hip lipstick managed to sneak in right before I started my low-buy.  I really should have returned them, but I knew they were going to be my last big purchases for awhile and I just couldn't. :(

Isn't the embossing pretty?  It makes me sad that it will eventually disappear!

This is swatched heavily on the left and blended out on the right.  This isn't a heavily pigmented powder at all.  I know some people complained that it looked powdery, but I didn't find that to be the case.

The Beauty Powder gives just a hint of color to my cheeks and a slight sheen.  I think this blush would be really nice to wear with a dramatic eye or lip or just of you want a natural look.  The only problem is that this probably isn't usable as a blush for you gals with darker skin tones but it may work well as a subtle highlighter.

  • Hurry!  This is a limited edition item.  This Beauty Powder retails for $25 for .35 oz of product (And that is a LOT of powder.  For example, NARS blushes only have about .16 oz).  As of right now this is still available on MAC's website, but who knows for how long!

Thank you for reading and have a great day/night/whatever!


  1. Super cute blog! I followed!
    Also.....i nominated you for the kreative blog award!!

  2. @Amy- Thank you so much for following and for the award!

  3. Embossed things make me sad also, even if it's just a little swirl like wet n' wild have on their shadows, it makes me sad. I have a cheap-o palette with roses on that I can't bear to use! it's a gorgeous colour though, looks great on you.

    If you ever want a Sleek/UK CP by the way, let me know :)

  4. @ Robyn- Oh, thank you Robyn! You let me know if you want anything from here, too!

  5. That is such a pretty peachy color. It looks great on you!

    ~Beatrice @


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